Las últimas noticias del mundo Lister Petter.

Artículos relacionados sobre Lister Petter

Recently, lister petter has been featured in two leading industry magazines,《Power Sourcing Guide》and《Diesel Progress International》. The magazines reported on Lister Petter’s EU Stage V compliant engine

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Ideal para generadores portátiles

Across the globe Lister Petter is the name for power generation. From water pumping to telecoms, agriculture to industry, plant to emergency applications, Lister Petter

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Motores EU Stage V

La historia de Lister y Petter se remonta a 1865 y 1867, respectivamente. Lister Petter: mundialmente conocido desde hace más de 150 años.

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Nuevo socio OEM en Líbano

We are pleased to announce that Younnes Bros s.a.r.l have been assigned as an official OEM, for Lister Petter in Lebanon. Younes Bros specialize in

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