
Yesterday Lister Petter join the PowerEX Live exhibition in London. PowerEx Live is an annual event for professional energy industry communication. PowerEx Live 2022 aims to offer the perfect networking opportunities for professionals across the Genset, CHP, Data Centre and Consultancy…
新发动机系列 "STARLITE "正式推出

Nice to see a new series engine STARLITE coming off the line! This series is widely used in material handling equipments and agricultural products in which the relibility is highly appreciated. The 16-83kW rated power is being recognized and is…

Lister Petter, being a world renown engine and with 150 years history, has reignited its effort in introducing new line of engine series for most application in the MEE even though our presence in the show is not acknowledged with…

Lister Petter is extremely proud to once again be sponsoring a team in the prestigious Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge. In 2019, our Chairman Keith Mason’s stepson Charlie completed the challenge as a team of 3 – ‘All Oar Nothing’ –…
R.A. 利斯特--个人回顾

I came into the employment of R.A.Lister & Co. Ltd. by chance in 1969. I had committed the cardinal sin of failing a re-sit exam at the end of my second year degree course at the National College of Agricultural…

Sammy Kiritu got in touch with us a few weeks ago with an unusual request…based in Nakuru in Kenya Sammy had purchased an old Lister Petter engine from someone in his local town, with the idea of using it to…

Lister Petter is now owned and run by the Mason Family, all of whom are passionate about the brand, it’s history and what makes “a Lister”. A brand that was originally founded, and still remains in Britain, yet is known…

We are always being sent photographs of old Lister engines and applications…but this one caught our eye. Sent in from De Maas, our distributor in the Netherlands (take a look at our introduction to De Maas B.V. ). The engine powering…

These TR2 engines have been assembled into Pump Sets destined for Africa, by our France distributor D.I.E.S.I. They feature engine mounted fuel tanks, exhaust silencers, and special adaptors for coupling to the Rovatti Pumps. The TR Series is perfectly suited for this…
Techno Power,被任命为利斯特在沙特阿拉伯的分销商

Lister Petter are proud to announce the appointment of Techno Power as a distributor in Saudi Arabia. Based in the UAE, Techno Group have been designing, manufacturing and importing UK assembled generators, engines and deep sea controllers for many years.…
介绍 EUROMAK - 委内瑞拉LPPS的新经销商

Lister Petter are proud to announce that EUROMAK, founded in 1976 in the city of Puerto Ordaz, Edo have recently become distributors for Lister Petter Power Systems in Venezuela. Specialising in products designed for water treatment, they distribute pumping equipment…

Lister Petter are pleased to announce our renewed partnership with Winget – a business with over 100 years experience manufacturing construction equipment. Based in the UK Winget manufactures a range of high quality, durable equipment for the construction industry –…
De Maas B.V. - 利斯特发动机的荷兰经销商

Founded in 1828, Brinkman & Niemeijer Motoren B.V import industrial diesel engines from around the world to the Netherlands. Using these engines to manufacture generator sets for boats, buildings and backup applications as well as diesel operated pump sets and…

We receive photographs of historic Lister engines, machines and applications from all over the world and we try to share as many of them as possible. Every now and then a little gem pops up, and the “Silver Vanity” is a…

Lister Petter was founded in 1867 by Robert Ashton Lister, with the first Lister Petter diesel engine being built in the Dursley facility 62 years later in 1929. After many successful years at the site Dursley, the business relocated to…

Great to support our longstanding water pump OEM Khansaheb Sykes of the UAE on recent project; the restoration and enhancement of Yemen’s water and sanitisation, which has been adversely affected as a result of the country’s international conflicts. Khansaheb Sykes…

We are pleased to announce our complete range of air cooled and water cooled generator sets. Built in our modern factory in Gloucestershire, United Kingdom, not only do we offer normal open or acoustic sets, we have variants specifically designed…

We love receiving photos of the different applications that our customers apply to our engines. Here we have a 2019 Air Cooled TR3 engine from Finland, powering a ‘Powerscreen MK II’ – a mobile scalping and screening unit used to…

Lister Petter are pleased to announce that we have expanded our range of Gamma engines to 7 models. We are offering G build engines at 1500/1800rpm with a power output from 30-158.5kw The standard engines have an in-line fuel pump.…

FIRE PUMP RANGE The Fire Pump engine range is part of the Alpha and Alpha Max Series. The engines are specifically developed to meet the stringent demands of sprinkler and fire suppression equipment manufacturers requirements. WATER PUMP ENGINE RANGE The…

North South Power SAS are a supplier of generator sets with facilities in Colombia, Venezula, Isla Margarita and Peru. Lister Petter were recently contacted by them regarding distribution channels. However, the relationship goes back a long way…the gentleman that got…

Over the years Lister Petter has become a household name for many companies worldwide. In some places an engine is not just an engine, its a ‘Lister’. Our engines and generating sets can be found on every continent and in…

Lister Petter Power Systems Covid-19 has brought both professional and personal challenges to everyone, around the world. Now more than ever, information and communication is vital. This is, of course unchartered territory, and the safety of all our staff, their…

STAG engineering, based in Nigeria, is known as a leading provider of operation and maintenance services for diesel-fired generators, for clients such as Huawei, Globacom, Sheraton, Etisalat and serveral other leading banks, telecommunication companies and a number of hospitals. Nigeria…

Lister Petter and Sleeman & Hawken directors, the Mason’s were invited to feature in the 2020 edition of The Parliamentary Review – Industry & Production. The Parliamentary Review is a series of independent publications, which aims to share best practice among…

PISCA B0mbas y Sistema, who are based in Mexico, manufacture pumps for a number of applications. One recent project has been to produce a pump set up for a firefighting system. Above you will see a photo of the application,…
利斯特加入 "英国制造 "的行列

Lister Petter has joined Made in Britain, the organisation which brings together, and promotes, the British manufacturing community. The Made in Britain collective mark unites the British manufacturing sector and helps consumers, buyers and specifiers identify products that are made in…

Tom Dutton is the Lister Petter Sales Manager for Latin America, he recently took a trip to El Arrecife de Alacranes, Yucatán. What started out as an exploration quickly turned into a dream trip for any Lister Petter engine fanatic. So…
Shaw Diesels现在是利斯特在新西兰的唯一经销商。

Shaw Diesels Ltd 现在是新西兰和太平洋群岛的李斯特彼得总经销商。David Shaw 于 1988 年创建了 Shaw Diesels,在此之前,他曾在 R.A Lister 新西兰分公司工作。在这里...

自 19 世纪末以来,李斯特-彼得一直在制造供全球使用的发动机。在此期间,我们的发动机被广泛应用于各种领域。最近,我们收到了一些我们的 TR 发动机在以下领域使用的照片...

李斯特彼得公司总经理基思-梅森(Keith Mason)的继子查理-梅德温(Charlie Medwin)完成了划船横渡大西洋的 "塔利斯克挑战赛"(Talisker Challenge)。他们于2019年12月12日星期四从加那利群岛的拉戈梅拉出发,于2020年1月20日星期一抵达安提瓜....。

今年,Lister Petter 一鼓作气,在 2019 年年底完成了我们收到的大量订单。我们刚刚收到丹麦分销商 PM Energi 的订单,订购我们的多款空气压缩机。

Lister Petter 最近完成了一份 8 台泵组的订单,这些泵组由我们在英国制造的风冷 TR3 发动机提供动力,并由我们的一家蓝筹 OEM 厂商 Khansaheb Sykes LLC 在阿联酋进行组装。这些泵组将用于...

Lister Petter 与 KSB 和 DIESI 合作定制了一套泵组。这套泵组由李斯特彼得风冷 TR2 发动机与 KSB 125 200 泵组合而成,并安装在拖车上。这套泵组已...

This week saw Lister Petter ship a 40′ container of over 100 LPW engines to Alkhorayef Commercial Company in Saudi Arabia. A mixture of 2, 3 and 4 cylinder engines, these will be used for genset power application. This is the, hopefully,…

This month saw another delivery of LPWX3 and LPWX4 engines to Constant Power Solutions Ltd who use them for their gensets, which are proving particularly popular in North Africa. Constant Power Solutions, like Lister Petter, are based in the UK and…

Our French distributor, DIESI visit our facility in the UK. We have built a long standing relationship with DIESI over the years, and it was a pleasure to show them around production facility. We have made some substantial improvements since…

Yassine has been touring Europe meeting potential and current, customers and distributors to discuss collaborating, and to explore the great work others are doing in the industry. His most recent stop was Hannaik Gensets in Portugal. They assemble Generators, Water Pumps and…

On Yassine’s latest tour of customers, he visited 2 Gareni Industrie – a pump OEM in France. They recently took delivery of 60 TR engines and coupled them to KSB pumps, destined for an agricultural development program in Northern Mali.
亚辛访问西班牙的Talleres Vaquero公司

亚辛最近访问了西班牙的 Talleres Vaquero Moriche S.L.公司,他们正在使用我们的李斯特 Petter TR 发动机制造水泵。很高兴看到我们的发动机在世界各地得到广泛应用,而且用途多种多样。

At the end of August, our Product Engineer Jim and Sales Manager Yassine travelled to HIBAGRICOLE in Morocco to conduct product training on their recent container of TR engines. They are now fully equipped to promote and support Lister Petter in Morocco!

A sneak peak at one of our UK OEM’s Constant Power Solutions using our LPW4 to build generators destined for Africa. They assemble the units in Selby, North Yorkshire. Our made in Britain heritage is important to us, so to have a UK…

This week we have seen an historically important customer to Lister Petter return to us, Aksa Power Generation in Turkey. It is great to have them back onboard, with the first of many orders, a 20′ container of LPW4’s, ready for shipment.

We receive hundreds of photos every month showing how and where our engines are being used. This is a genset powered by one of our LPW2 engines, built as a prototype for a telecom company by METS Energy in Lebanon. It shows…


59 TR engines are en route to France this week to our Genset and Pump OEM 2 Gareni Industrie. They have a long history of powering their products with Lister Petter.


Kilowatt Machinery, one of our distributors in New Zealand exhibited at Fieldays, Mystery Creek. Fieldays is the largest agribusiness event in the Southern Hemisphere, attracting over 130,000 people from all over the world. Held over four days, the event presents…
利斯特为 "无事不登三宝殿 "提供头条赞助

Last Thursday, our owner and CEO Keith Mason attended a fund raising event for All Oar Nothing, who are training to row across the Atlantic as part of the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge in December 2019. Keith’s step son Charlie is a member of the team,…